Hilton Head to Charleston Offshore Fishing Spots

Hilton Head to Charleston Offshore Fishing Spots


Includes easy to use DIY files for your boats GPS, Mobile devices and Computers

Our Hilton Head to Charleston Offshore fishing spots loads to your GPS or Mobile Devices. Head offshore with hundreds of proven Hilton Head fishing spots with coverage north to Charleston for superb Offshore fishing. Load up your GPS devices using our fishing hot spots with comments, all provided and organized by select local guides. All of our South Carolina Offshore fishing spots provide top locations for Trolling, Bottom Fishing, Drifting, speed jigging and more. Types of fish caught on these fishing spots are Kingfish, Cobia, Amberjack, Spanish, Snapper, Grouper, Tuna, Wahoo, Dolphin and more!

Email anytime with questions using the contact form here.

Please Note: Each South Carolina Fishing area and Fishing Map is different. There are no set maximum of fishing coordinates and fishing locations. Most fishing spots offer comments, but a few do not. Some areas have more fishing spots and some have less, depending on the size of the fishing location overall.

GPS NOTE - IMPORTANT: As many of us know, each and every GPS or Chart plotter is different. Each of them have their own way of accepting coordinates. Never use any fishing maps for navigation of any kind and boat or fish at your own risk and skill level.